Mr. Tongue John Delillo.

Mr. Tongue John Delillo.
This is Brady Lake Village cop John Delillo after Delillo pulled in behind Dan Boyle in Franklin Township with NO overhead lites on,just to ask Dan Boyle what Dan's f-in problem was. Delillo tries to intimidate people,but in this case it didn't work. Guys like Delillo are known as bullies and this one has a badge.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

This blog site will be about Brady Lake Village (BLV) cop John Delillo and his being crazy.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) cop John Delillo works in BLV for FREE to keep his police commission. That means at Delillo's age he can't get a good paying cop job and you'll see why as this blog shows some John Delillo pictures. Brady Lake Village is in Portage County Ohio. To view more blog sites about Brady Lake Village click on the red square with the white B beside Dan Boyle. If you would like to see the blog site that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People -If you would like to comment and be anonymous click on comments below these comments.